Best Python Code Editor.

1. Introduction to Python.

Python is one of the most used or liked programming languages. Python is that language that is like simple, and writing and English language. In python we can find many resources because python is the most common programming language which have world-wide connection. In python there are most of the modules which make us to get more features and more advance function.

2. Why to use Python.

There are many several reason to use python some of the are given below:

1. This is the easiest language in the world.

2. It fells writing pseudo code (English).

3. It have many resources.

4. It contains many advance modules

3. Best Code-Editor(idle) for python.

1. Visual Sudio Code (VS-Code):

It is the most used code editor over the world. It is created by (Microsoft). It was launched in 2015. It is the fastest code editor which is world-wide most used code editor. In this code editor all of the language can be written on the same code editor.

# Keys feature of Visual Studio Code.

1. It is free and open source to use.
2. Extensive Plugins are many available.
3. Customization options are available.
4. Supported Language is high.
5. Built in Git support.

2. PyCharm:

  PyCharm is also one of the best code editors for those people which need a face professional code editor. PyCharm is one of the most used for python code editor. It has two models which is community and professional. Community edition is free to use, and other hand professional edition is paid.  

# Keys feature of PyCharm.

1. Professional and Community Edition are available.
2. It has smart code assistant.
3. Integrated debugging and terminal.
4. Build in databases.

3. Atom: 

Atom is one of the code editors which is not recommended to use because this is good, but it is not the code editor which have more feature and other plugins. 

# Keys feature of Atom.

1. It is hackable to the core.
2. Rich in Pythion Plugins.
3. Git integration.
4. Cross Platform.

4. Jupyter Notebook: 

     Jupyter Notebook is one of the best python coding platforms which help us to write python code. It is created by Microsoft.

#Keys feature of Jupyter Notebook:

1. Interactive Coding Environment.
2. Markdown Support.
3. Extensible with Jupyter-Lab. 


4. Conclusion: 

In the conclusion we found that there is many coding platforms are available in today's world. The best coding platforms and our recommendation are visual studio code and PyCharm and you can also use the Jupyter notebook.
